Monday, December 15, 2008

Shameless Mommy-bragging

Okay, I know I've been a neglectful blogger lately. I'm in my intense time at work and Christmas parties and I had to make a bra purse, so time gets away from me. I'll post the bra purse pics :o) That was fun. I have other things to blog and post, too, but I'll get to it soon!

In the meantime, I have to brag on my kiddo. He's had such a hard time lately that this is truly a ray of sunshine.

Son got his PSAT scores today. Now, they've gone and screwed it all up and changed the scoring from how it was when I was a kid. But they were nice enough to make it easy to convert to the "old" scale for us clueless parents.

The old scale was based on a possible 1600 points. Just for perspective sake, I got 1140 on my SAT. And I graduated with honors in high school, so I like to think I'm no intellectual slouch. On most days. I've had kids since then, and they make you wonky. Anyhow, my ex got like a 900. My dad got a 1200-some-odd.

Son got a 1450.

I'm over the moon, I tell you! He missed one question on the math portion. One.

The new scale is based on 20-80 points per section. And there's a new writing section. We just had to deal with two sections, but these kids now have three sections of scores. All in all, his "new" score was 205. The national average for juniors is 147. They're saying this puts him in the 3% range, and within the range for National Merit Scholars.

Can I get a big "Woo Hoo!" for my kiddo? With all of his struggles lately, this was a very much needed boost. I hope he takes it to heart and finds inspiration in it!


Fire Byrd said...

WOOHOO to your boy, well done him.
Must have inherited his mum's skills.

Glitterstim said...

Awww...thank you! When he was 18 months old, I said to him, "Mommy is going to have to go back to school to keep up with you, sweetheart." That was the day he built a catapult out of Tinker Toys....

He keeps me on my toes, that's for sure!

:o) BJ

e jerry said...

Hmmm. So I graduated a few dozen places behind you in our class because you had a higher GPA, but I did better than you on the SAT...

And then those violinists ended up getting into med school. I don't know what to think anymore. :-)